Linzi G School of Dance
In order to reach you/your childs full dance potential it is necessary to be dressed in correct clothing and footwear. Listed below are the suggested requirements needed for each Dance Class.
Uniform is available to purchase and order at Linzi G classes.
Ballet Pupils
Ballet Class & Preliminary Exam: Pink Leotard and Skirt, ballet socks & pink ballet shoes with elastic.
Grade 1 Exam upwards: Blue Leotard, Pink tights & Pink Ballet Shoes with elastic/ribbons
Lindsey does however suggest that you should only purchase uniform if you and your child are certain that they are to continue with their dance lessons. Please therefore send your child to their first dance classes in lightweight shoes and clothing.
      Exam & Class Uniform
Tap Pupils
Class wear: Black Leggings and Pink Linzi G Tshirt. Black or White Tap Shoes.
Tap Class & First Steps Exam: Pink Leotard and Skirt. White ankle socks, White Tap Shoes
Grade 1 Exam and above: Blue leotard, tan tights and Tap shoes
Musical Theatre & Freestyle Pupils
Black Leggings and Linzi G Tshirt
Black Jazz Shoes